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Get Started with the Zapper Mobile App
General Questions
How do I download the Zapper iOS app?
How do I refresh my Portfolio Balances?
How can I add a wallet?
How can I remove a wallet?
How do I connect my wallet to the app?
How do I import my Zapper Web Account to the Mobile App?
How do I import my Zapper Web Account to the Mobile App?
How do I log out from the Zapper Mobile App?
How do I turn on Dark Mode/Theme?
How do I activate Face ID?
What languages does the Mobile App support?
For more questions regarding NFTs, please refer to our “NFT” section
What NFTs are supported on the Mobile App?
Can I send/transfer NFTs on the Mobile App?
Transactional Features
What is the difference between a watched wallet and a connected wallet?
How do I change networks on the Mobile App?
How do I change my Zapper avatar on the Mobile App?
How do I Swap/Exchange/Bridge tokens on the Mobile App?
Address Book and Bundled Wallets
How to add a wallet in my Address Book?
How do I delete or edit a bundle on the Mobile App?
How do I bundle wallets on the Mobile App?
What can I view on the Trending page?
What does the banner display?
How to add tokens to the Token Watchlist?
How to reorder or remove tokens from the Token Watchlist?
Can I customize how I see my Homepage on the Mobile App?
How do I turn on Dark Mode / Theme Mode?
How can I customize my currencies settings?
How can I customize the networks I see on my Portfolio?
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